Why don't you use the Github issue system?

Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Mar 2 16:14:36 PST 2016

On Wednesday, 2 March 2016 at 23:59:49 UTC, Seb wrote:
> Hey,
> I am just curious whether you have already considered moving 
> from Bugzilla to the Github issue system and where your current 
> opinion is.

I HATE Github issues. When they are not filled with unhelpful, 
annoying, and signal drowning comments like "+1" and tens of 
gifs, they are useless in other ways, such as not allowing 
attachments, providing no priority mechanism, and providing no 
mechanism for reporting OS and version with the bug. The biggest 
issue is that the project maintainers have to tag everything as 
either an enhancement request, regression, etc. That means that a 
least one mod would have to scan each issue to signal what it is 
to contributors. That's a dramatic increase in needed effort.

Having bugzilla on a separate service also increases the cost of 
making comments enough that low info posts aren't made, but not 
high enough that bugs aren't reported.

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