Good project: stride() with constant stride value

jmh530 via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Mar 4 12:13:26 PST 2016

On Friday, 4 March 2016 at 18:40:58 UTC, kinke wrote:
> Then let's not complicate Phobos please. I'm really no friend 
> of special semantics for `step == 0` and stuff like that. Let's 
> keep code as readable and simple as possible, especially in the 
> standard libraries, and let the compilers do their job at 
> optimizing low-level stuff for release builds.
> More templates surely impact compilation speed, and that's 
> where DMD shines.

Stride is already a template. The compiler would just pick the 
right template to instantiate. Can't imagine that would be a 
significant impact on compilation speed.

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