[r/cpp] Why I am not happy with C++17

Era Scarecrow via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Mar 8 14:53:42 PST 2016

On Tuesday, 8 March 2016 at 22:31:39 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> Back in the olden (Zortech C++) days, lots of people told me 
> that the next release of Microsoft C++ was going to be so 
> awesome, it would bury us. That we might as well go buy our 
> caskets and reserve a burial plot right now. This drumbeat 
> would continue right up until the release.

  Didn't MS spout the same 'awesome' OS they were working on that 
would have all the same features or better, and prevent OS2 from 
being adopted?

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