Pitching D to academia
Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Mar 9 11:34:24 PST 2016
On Wednesday, 9 March 2016 at 16:25:46 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh
> I may be way off-base here but would teaching assembly be a
> good way
> to get D into the hands of undergrads? Learning assembly
> requires
> some sort of 'harness' to code your assembly in.
I don't know what is common now, but I think machine language
often has been taught either in the context of a OS/kernel-design
course, hardware architecture (CPU/Computer design) course and
compiler design courses. Difficult to get D into an OS course as
C is standard, inline asm makes no sense for a compiler and
hardware courses are aiming one step below machine language so no
need for higher level than assembly...
It is not uncommon for courses to be agnostic, though. That is,
the teacher accepts any language in student projects, but uses a
well-known language in lectures and examples.
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