D vs Rust

gour via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Mar 13 09:18:49 PDT 2016

On Saturday, 30 January 2016 at 20:48:01 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Hello bearophile,

> In Ada you can be productive if you use it for the purposes it 
> was invented for, but most times you don't write that kind of 
> code.
> I miss some Ada features, and I've missed the strictness of the 
> Ada compiler that catches lot of bugs, but for most things 
> today I prefer a more modern languages.

For quite some time I was looking at Ada as potential language to 
write multi-platform desktop application, but, being the big 
language which requires lot of time and energy to invest into 
learning/mastering it, I, somehow, feel reluctant seeing that 
there is practically no open-source community around Ada, no 
truly open-source compile -- what would happen if AdaCore would 
simply pull the plug since I do not believe there are enough
people capable to maintain/develop FSF GNAT, so I'd appreciate if 
you can write few words about Ada vs D hoping that the latter it 
one you are recommending for new (gui) projects?

I simply hope that D can provide me with most/all the features 
I'd expect from the language like Ada, but but even more modern 
features, more choices when it comes to developing GUI desktop 
app, more compiler choices, better tooling and, of course, much 
bigger community of open-source enthusiasts.


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