Females in the community.
Lass Safin via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Mar 17 14:42:55 PDT 2016
On Thursday, 17 March 2016 at 20:03:08 UTC, John Carter wrote:
> It is very clear from the 'net that some communities welcome
> woman, and some actively hate them, some ignore them.
> I personally would feel reluctant to get involved in anything
> where there was a high probability of vitriolic rejection.
> (Yes, sadly, some 'net communities have, unfortunately, gone to
> very extreme lengths in their rejection.)
> Part me says ignore them, gender has nothing to do with
> programming.
> Part of me observes we are human first, programmers second, and
> human groups with a healthy gender mix are simpler more
> pleasant and functional places.
> Certainly Python has done well to actively welcome them, and I
> would suggest we do the same.
> So a simple statement of welcome and some level of outreach
> would go a long way.
> https://www.gnome.org/outreachy/
>Currently, internships are open >internationally to women (cis
>and trans), >trans men, and genderqueer people. >Additionally,
>they are open to residents >and nationals of the United States
>of any >gender who are Black/African American, >Hispanic/Latin@,
>American Indian, Alaska >Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific
>>Islander. We are planning to expand the >program to more
>participants from >underrepresented backgrounds in the >future.
I, I mean, I just really CAN'T take you seriously, when you link
shit like that.
I mean, sure, groups with a better balance of women and men tend
to fare better, but thing is, we don't really care about the
gender of someone, whom we aren't with physically. We just don't.
The only moment, where members of the D community meet each
other, is at DConf, and we aren't holding DConf every single day
of the year.
And the thing which you've linked to, that (absolutely
horrendous) outreachy thing, is something I'd rather actually not
see, if I was a women: I wouldn't fucking want to join a
community, who presents a text like that to my face. What the
_fuck_ is shit like "cis" and "genderqueer" supposed to mean?
When I see a text like that, all I think is that the community
surrounding this language (or software or I don't know whhat) is
instead of focusing on improving the language, focusing om fixing
social pseudo-problems. This is a huuuuuge turn-off for me.
Just, please, don't.
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