Females in the community.
WhatMeWorry via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Mar 17 15:02:47 PDT 2016
On Thursday, 17 March 2016 at 20:03:08 UTC, John Carter wrote:
> It is very clear from the 'net that some communities welcome
> woman, and some actively hate them, some ignore them.
> I personally would feel reluctant to get involved in anything
> where there was a high probability of vitriolic rejection.
> (Yes, sadly, some 'net communities have, unfortunately, gone to
> very extreme lengths in their rejection.)
I don't get this at all? I've been coming to this site for years
and I don't recall any "vitriolic rejections" of either men or
women. I can't think of a more egalitarian community than what
I've experienced here. I find this to be one of the most cordial
and helpful sites I have ever had the pleasure of visiting.
> Part me says ignore them, gender has nothing to do with
> programming.
Who here has ever argued otherwise?
> Part of me observes we are human first, programmers second, and
> human groups with a healthy gender mix are simpler more
> pleasant and functional places.
Again, I doubt if anybody here disagrees with this statement.
> Certainly Python has done well to actively welcome them, and I
> would suggest we do the same.
How is D not welcoming "them". We welcome anybody who is
interested in D.
> So a simple statement of welcome and some level of outreach
> would go a long way.
> https://www.gnome.org/outreachy/
Google, Intel, HP, Bloomberg, etc are sponsoring this outreach. D
does not have any such luxury.
Listen, I would love that more women were interested in
programming languages. I've seen many good women programmers (my
wife was one) but it is usually for a paid job. I doubt you'll
find many women who program out of the sheer pleasure of it, or
who will spend their free time holed up in front of a workstation
figuring out the inner working of mixins or traits.
But don't feel too bad. Females vastly outnumber men in the
veterinary and biology fields. I don't see their web sites going
out of their way to "welcome" me.
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