Females in the community.
H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Mar 24 10:59:08 PDT 2016
On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 03:50:31PM +0000, Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 15:26:09 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >The entire reason I've avoided web-based email clients like the
> >plague is because I've yet to see one that handles tree threading
> >correctly
> Oh, I also avoid web-based email clients... though one of the biggest
> PROBLEMS I have with gmail is that it attempts to thread things
> automatically!
I agree that trying to thread things automatically where there is
actually no relation is extremely annoying. I have yet to find "smart"
software that doesn't do something really dumb.
> I just want everything presented to me, in chronological order. My
> brain has a storage capacity of more than 800 quadrillion bits and a
> total linear computation speed of 60 trillion operations per second.
> It is equipped with sophisticated hardware-accelerated pattern
> recognition algorithms capable of multi-dimensional spacial processing
> as well as state-of-the-art natural language handling.
> Most attempts at computer assistance do little beyond hindering the
> operation of my superior neural net. Just feed me the data!
That's good for you. Me, I don't have the time/energy to devote all of
the processing power of my brain just to keep up with a single forum --
I am subscribed to many high-volume mailing lists, and I simply can't
keep up with *all* of it on top of all the other (arguably more
important!) things in my life. Tree threading lets me kill entire 500+
post threads in one shot (or any subtree thereof, depending on which
part of the conversation is pertinent to me), which is a lifesaver in
this age of information overload. One has to pick his battles, and I
choose to only read stuff that *might* be pertinent to my interests,
rather than wade through *everything*, especially when a lot of it
doesn't even concern me (most of this thread, for example, of which I've
only read 1% because, frankly, 90% of it was (probably) off-topic
> >Without proper tree threading there's simply no way anyone can keep
> >track of things past that point.
> I at least skim *every* post made in the ng, usually close to real
> time as they come in. The content is then digested and indexed in my
> brain for future use (and the undigested data is still available
> through the computer and my local client can look it up by date,
> poster, content, or yes, the threading headers all with ease)
> I often see people complain about how they find 50 emails a day to be
> completely unmanageable.
At one point, I was dealing with 4-digit numbers of emails a day.
Tree-threading makes it possible to retain my sanity. :-P (Fortunately,
I've reduced my high-volume subscriptions since -- by a lot.) I guess
your mental capabilities exceed mine, but I'm pretty sure that at some
point, maybe around the 1000+/day mark or somewhere thereabouts, even
you would have to concede that some discussion threads really ought to
be outright ignored because they eat up time and energy for negligible
> I've handled an average of about 350 per day, every day, for about six
> years now. It takes about 10% of my work day, which isn't
> insignificant, but being aware of what's going on - sometimes, one
> person's problem today is my answer tomorrow - brings benefits in
> excess of the cost.
Unfortunately, I don't have 10% of my day to devote to wading through
email. There are far more important things in my life than that!
I don't trust computers, I've spent too long programming to think that they can get anything right. -- James Miller
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