avoiding loops, allocation using arrays and ranges
Basile B. via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Mar 28 01:01:44 PDT 2016
On Monday, 28 March 2016 at 07:07:47 UTC, Danni Coy wrote:
> Something just clicked in my head in the last week in terms of
> component based programming.
> I am currently porting a C++ realtime audio app to D.
> The app uses jackd.
> I have a series of float[] buffers I read and write audio data
> from.
> lets say I want to crossfade to audio buffers I would do the
> following
> float[1024] a; //actually these allocated by jackd in C but for
> purposes of illustration
> float[1024] b;
> length = min(length,a.length,b.length);
> foreach(i; 0..nframes)
> {
> /* calculations */
> a[i] = a[i]*ratio + b[i] * (1-ratio);
> }
> I can do :
> auto crossfade = sequence(/*calculations*/)(a[],b[],length);
> foreach(i; 0..length) a[i] = crossfade[i];
> but it would be nice if I could do :
> auto crossfade = sequence(/*calculations*/)(a[],b[],length);
> a[0..length] = crossfade[0..length];
> or even better
> auto ramp = sequence(/*calculations*/)(length); // create once
> and
> store for later
> a[] = a[]*ramp[] + b[]*(1.0-ramp[]);
> I know I can use array but that allocates memory and I don't
> want to
> do that in my realtime thread.
> I could store the ramp as a static array but I want to option
> to do
> this lazily, particularly if I end up with a lot of different
> permutations.
I would see a complete lazy processing a bit like that:
auto process(alias fun, R0, R1)(R0 r0, R1 r1, size_t len)
if (isInputRange!R0 && isInputRange!R1 && is(ElementType!R0 ==
struct Processor
size_t i;
bool empty()
return r0.empty || r1.empty;
void popFront()
auto front()
return fun(i, len, r0.front, r1.front);
Processor proc;
return proc;
void main(string[] args)
float[] a = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0];
float[] b = [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0];
float xfade(size_t i, size_t len, float sa, float sb)
auto ramp = (1.0 / --len) * i;
return sa * ramp + (1.0 - ramp) * sb;
auto r = process!(xfade)(a, b, 4); // not evaluated
auto v = process!(xfade)(r, b, 4); // still not...
writeln(v.array); // everything gets eval by .array
So that you can get rid of all operators in the processing loop.
This is only a demo, I think this could be more elegant and
verstatile (for example the fact that the ramp could itself be a
lazy range).
There's probably some interesting stuff that covers this in
std.range. Look at the functions that take some "Range Of Ranges"
(RoR) as parameter. like transpose, transversal, etc.
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