dpaste and warning upon leaving page
nazriel via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed May 11 16:12:56 PDT 2016
On Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 18:41:12 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
> On Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 11:27:44 UTC, nazriel wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 10 May 2016 at 16:39:05 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
>>> I just had a PEBCAK moment where I was composing a large-ish
>>> snippet on dpaste, then accidentally left the page by
>>> clicking the back button on my mouse. Going back to the page
>>> I see my changes were lost.
>>> Could we maybe add a warning when leaving the page if the
>>> content has been changed? I think it's the onbeforeunload
>>> event, but I don't know javascript well.
>>> http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_onbeforeunload_dom
>> Good idea.
>> I've added it to TODO list here
>> https://github.com/nazriel/dpaste-frontend/issues/3
> @nazriel, a bit off topic, do you have any plans to open-source
> the code? I'm using dpaste quite often and it would be really
> nice if I could contribute. Also can you provide an option for
> the nightly dmd builds? There's a nice script, which you can
> use to manage them (http://dlang.org/download - look for
> install.sh;
> https://github.com/dlang/installer/blob/master/script/install.sh).
Yeah, I am 100% for open sourcing everything and making it fully
non-dependant on me. New version of the backend is already on GH
and in the near future (matter of days) it will go live! :)
Regarding frontend - I am not sure if I want to release the php
version. It is total mess... Small spoiler alert but D+vibed
version of fronend is coming very soon and that will be on gh and
deployed. stay tuned.
Nightly builds... At the moment we have got independant builds of
master going on daily basics but I agree that using ready
packages is better idea. Just please wait for the new version of
backend to go live - it will support back history of compilers -
so we will have past versions of dmd, ldc, gdc + current ones +
nighly builds of all three :)
Also the speed and reliability of whole system got really
I must admit that attending Dconf, speaking with CyberShadow and
so on really got the wheel spinning :)
Damian Ziemba
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