Github names & avatars

Chris via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat May 14 09:42:44 PDT 2016

On Saturday, 14 May 2016 at 15:57:43 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> There's always a risk of someone seeing what you post, not 
> liking it, and reacting badly too it, and if that's your 
> employer, you could be in trouble. But in general, when we're 
> talking about stuff that relates to your profession and not 
> general social networking, then I don't think that that's it's 
> often an issue. If you're talking in this newsgroup about D and 
> programming topics, and you're discussing technical stuff in 
> the reviews on github, then I don't think that you're really at 
> much risk of having a problem with your employer due to a 
> remark that you make. Where that's far more likely to get you 
> bitten is places like facebook where you're chatting about 
> random stuff.
> Personally, I post under my real name (or something obviously 
> related to it like jmdavis) in all of the programming-related 
> places I post in. And I think that that's very valuable from 
> the perspective of showing potential employers that I'm 
> actually competent and that others think that I'm competent. 
> However, when I post on sites talking about stray stuff that 
> has nothing to do with my profession, I post under pseudonyms 
> and don't provide anything that would give any obvious hints as 
> to who I am. There's no benefit to linking that stuff to my 
> real name, whereas there is with programming stuff. Places like 
> facebook or google+ are where you end up generally posting 
> under your own name and talking about random junk that might 
> get you in trouble if the wrong person sees it. But I don't 
> have a facebook account, and I don't do much on g+, so 
> personally, I'm at a low risk of problems with that. Still, any 
> time you post under your real name, you should be mindful that 
> pretty much anyone could end up seeing it whether you intend 
> for that to happen or not, and dumb remarks _could_ come back 
> to bite you. It helps though if you make few dumb remarks. ;) 
> But in the case of places like this, if you mostly stick to 
> professional topics and are generally civil, then I really 
> don't think that you're at much risk of getting in trouble over 
> it. And if you've built a good professional brand online, then 
> in the rare case that you _do_ get in trouble over it, then 
> you'll have an easier time getting a new job.
> - Jonathan M Davis

Qu'on me donne six lignes Ă©crites de la main du plus honnĂȘte 
homme, j'y trouverai de quoi le faire pendre.

If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest 
of men, I will find something in them which will hang him. 
(attributed to Cardinal Richelieu)

If they're out to get you, they'll get you anyway. Now you can do 
one of two things: you can say, "Why take the risk?" and stay 
anonymous or you can say "Life is full of risks anyway", and show 
your real name.

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