Always false float comparisons
jmh530 via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue May 17 07:00:25 PDT 2016
On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 07:47:58 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:
> Unless you're doing game/graphics work ;-) 4x3 or 4x4 matrices
> are commonly used to represent transforms in 3D space in every
> 3D polygon-based rendering pipeline I know of. It's even a
> requirement for fixed-function OpenGL 1.x.
> Video games - also known around here as "The Exception To The
> Rule".
> (Side note: My own preference is to represent transforms as a
> quaternion and vector. Inverting such a transform is a simple
> matter of negating a few components. Generating a matrix from
> such a transform for rendering purposes is trivial compared to
> matrix inversion.)
I don't know much about computer graphics, but if you're solving
equations, then you can use the techniques mentioned above.
Nevertheless, I'm not really sure what would be the fastest
approach to inverting small matrices. I would definitely try the
LU or Cholesky approaches. It might be that for a small matrix a
Gaussian reduction approach would be fast. There are some
analytic tricks you could use if you have some information about
them, like when you can represent them as blocks. If some of the
blocks are zero or identity matrices, then it simplifies the
calculations too.
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