ESA's Schiaparelli Mars probe crashed because of integer overflow

qznc via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Nov 24 11:49:49 PST 2016

Although, the article [0] does not say that literally, it sounds 
like an integer overflow:

> After trawling through mountains of data, the European Space 
> Agency said Wednesday that while much of the mission went 
> according to plan, a computer that measured the rotation of the 
> lander hit a maximum reading, knocking other calculations off 
> track.

> That led the navigation system to think the lander was much 
> lower than it was, causing its parachute and braking thrusters 
> to be deployed prematurely.

> "The erroneous information generated an estimated altitude that 
> was negative—that is, below ground level," the ESA said in a 
> statement.

That is why we need CheckedInt, folks. Reminder End. ;)


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