Why are homepage examples too complicated?
Chris via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Oct 19 03:04:16 PDT 2016
On Wednesday, 19 October 2016 at 09:51:50 UTC, Benjiro wrote:
> And no offense but basic D is just the same as basic PHP. They
> are all C languages. If somebody can start in PHP, they can
> start in D. The big difference is that there is much more
> materials available for PHP, so people more easily start.
> It also helps that you do not need to do a lot of setting
> things up for PHP ( web hosts ready ). Where as with D, you
> need to download the compiler, have a root server etc ( if your
> looking at web programming ).
> If you give a novice a D basic hello world or a PHP basic hello
> world, they can get going with both at the same level. Same
> with some high level ( basic logic if/else, loops, etc ). That
> is all the same or so simulare.
> But when you trow people into the deep end with pipeline
> one-liners, templates, mapping etc... sorry but that is way
> above a lot of people there first experience with a language.
While very basic D is indeed like C, the truth is that you'll
soon get stuck, if you know nothing about templates.
> You have 3 class of people:
> * Total newbies: People who want to see something simple. If i
> do x, then i get y. Ooooo, shiny. *lol*
They're welcome. But without hard work, they won't get far in any
> * People with some experience in other languages: They look for
> similarities, they try to match there logic to the new
> language. This is actually a big group of potential recruits. A
> lot of those are actually self-taught programmers.
I agree. But again, without templates and ranges, they won't get
far. The danger is that you wouldn't want to teach them D the
wrong way, only for them to find out later that "that's not how
you do it". Better tell them from the start. Introduce on concept
at a time.
> * People with large experience: They are advanced programmers.
> Linking advanced features from one language to another is no
> issue. They can quickly tell from the summary what the real
> advantages of a language are. All the programming lingo is no
> issue for them.
> The current homepage example is in my option, right between
> group 2 and 3. And its disregarding group one and two.
Sure there's nothing wrong with adding one or two "simpler"
examples. But it shouldn't be just plain C. Have you had a look
at this page:
Maybe you can find something you like and think it'd be a good
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