Mir GLAS is a C library and passes Natlib's test suite! And questions :-)

jmh530 via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Oct 26 13:23:01 PDT 2016

On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 at 19:59:21 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 
> Mir GLAS (Generic Linear Algebra Subprograms) has its own 
> repository [1] now.

Keep up the good work!

On the read-me page, I have a few suggestions for improvements.

The installation section could use some improvement. Most 
important is that you just have two sections for mir-cpuid and 
mir-glas sort of out of nowhere. Maybe mention them in the first 
installation section. Also, that section says "The last one 
should be used." might be revised to "It is recommended to use 
ldmd2 with mir-glas." There's a missing the in "Recent LDC 
packages come with [the] dub package manager." You might also 
note that .a files are .lib files on Windows.

In the Q&A section, you might mention that it doesn't use D's GC. 
Also, that first answer should read "GLAS has a generic...". The 
same issue shows up in #5 of the second question. And the answer 
to question 3 should be something like "GLAS is a lower level 
library than Eigen. For example, GLAS can be an Eigen BLAS 
back-end in the future"

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