Thoughts from newcommer

Joakim via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sun Apr 16 09:30:23 PDT 2017

On Sunday, 16 April 2017 at 07:11:23 UTC, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> On Sunday, 16 April 2017 at 04:19:56 UTC, Joakim wrote:
>> came out tops if I weighted time, memory, and source code size 
>> equally.  Not always highest, as Free Pascal would sometimes 
>> beat it, but D usually won.
> You juggled the numbers to get a result ;-)

Nope, simply weighted everything equally and saw what came out on 
top, strange that you call equal weights "juggling the numbers."  
As I said, I'd only heard of D once before and certainly wasn't 
using it, so I wasn't out to get a particular result.

>> This one doesn't show any benchmarks because it says it's in 
>> your game, so you are involved.
> No it does not say that.
> It says "This directory contains the Julia version of the "The 
> Computer Language Benchmarks Game".
> It provides "perf.jl" to time those Julia programs.
> Those Julia programs are not included in the benchmarks game.

You're right, I saw the links to the game and thought they were 
saying it did, guess not.

>> I'm guessing that's because he tried to update the old D 
>> benchmarking code and likely the C/C++ code has been optimized 
>> a lot more since. ...
>> I suspect D would do just as well on the other benchmarks now.
> What a great opportunity for someone in the D community to help 
> publicize the language!

As I pointed out to you, there are other benchmarks already doing 

You're free to include whatever languages you like in your game, 
of course, but it's strange that you're throwing out languages 
that were already implemented for all the benchmarks and doing 
well, especially since their communities would be happy to keep 
them up to date.

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