Interpolated strings
bpr via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Apr 18 16:58:27 PDT 2017
On Tuesday, 18 April 2017 at 08:01:14 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2017-04-18 08:59, Stefan Koch wrote:
>> The corresponding ast-macros would be extremely complex
> No, it's not that complex.
Here's how it's done in Nim, a statically typed language similar
to D, but with Python syntax, and macros. It takes some knowledge
to understand, sure, macros are not a beginner tool, but wouldn't
say this is extremely complex. I bet a D-with-macros would have a
similar complexity solution.
------------------------------ string_interpolation.nim
import macros, parseutils, sequtils
macro exho(text: string{lit}): untyped =
var nodes: seq[NimNode] = @[]
# Parse string literal into "stuff".
for k, v in text.strVal.interpolatedFragments:
if k == ikStr or k == ikDollar:
nodes.add(parseExpr("$(" & v & ")"))
# Fold individual nodes into a statement list.
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList).add(
foldr(nodes, a.infix("&", b)))
multiplier = 3.14
message = exho"$multiplier times 2.5 is ${multiplier * 2.5}"
foo = "foo"
message2 = exho"$foo 3 times is ${foo & foo & foo}"
echo message
echo message2
Running gives
3.14 times 2.5 is 7.850000000000001
foo 3 times is foofoofoo
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