Jetbrains announce support for rust plugin, show them we want one too!
Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Tue Aug 8 09:24:36 PDT 2017
On Tuesday, 8 August 2017 at 15:40:08 UTC, Ryion wrote:
> On Sunday, 6 August 2017 at 19:15:59 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
>> Your claim to have limited D skills doesn't prevent you from
>> writing a blog post detailing the things that are missing for
>> Windows development and showing how other languages deal with
>> them. A lot of work with tooling doesn't require D skills for
>> that matter (for instance, Eclipse plugins are not written in
>> D AFAIK). You can ask the current tool developers how to help,
>> report bugs, make suggestions, fix small bugs,.... The least
>> effective thing to do is to post on the forum that the tools
>> aren't good enough.
> I applaud the people who contribute but reading posts here that
> pushing people ( on a lot of topics ) to contribute does not
> exactly motivate.
No one is "pushing" anyone. It's a simple declaration of facts:
What is wanted here is currently not wanted by enough other
people in the community strongly enough for them to spend more
time on it than they currently do (or they would do so). It
follows, that if someone want to get such things done, that
someone can either wait until someone else does it in his or her
spare/own time, do it him/herself, or pay someone to do it.
If this doesn't motivate you, that's your prerogative, of course,
but then don't expect your display to motivate someone else to do
it, either.
> It shows a rather desperation that we do not see in other
> languages forums.
Who is "we"? Also, implying that the people pointing out you
could contribute if you want something are the ones being
"desperate" is - frankly - insulting.
If you don't want to contribute, or don't have the time, that's
understandable and fine, but then don't be surprised if others
share the sentiment.
> Having people write plugins is one thing. Having them
> supporting those plugins for years to come, that is another.
> Its not the actual the written the plugins that is a issue.
> There are plenty of D plugins out there. But people get
> discourages, lack of time, run into issues they can not figure
> out, new D version, new IDE changes... whatever changes that
> break the plugins.
> There are plenty of plugins for almost every editor/ide but few
> are well supported because it ends up being one man development
> teams.
This is a good description of the problem's complexity, but it
doesn't change the facts that people work on what they want to
work on in their free time and most main/long/old D users seem
mostly content with their current workflow, so it's up to new
users to change things for the better here. Writing about it and
trying to gather support is a good first step (that has happened
multiple times in the past years), but unless it's backed up by a
coordinated effort, it won't yield any tangible results.
> So what is the point in pushing people: write plugins, put time
> into them, ... when even the people know that with there day
> job, family life they can not keep supporting / expanding the
> plugins.
False premise about "pushing" people. Other than that: Everything
is temporary - especially in IT - the important question is can
you get a good ROI on the time you spend writing your plugin.
I, e.g., invested about 10 hours to write my D plugin for Sublime
Text 3 [1], and I've already saved enough time using it that its
ROI is positive.
> It feels like this approach is just wrong... When people are
> motivated, they so so from themselves and do not need the
> "gentle" pushing on a forum to do so.
Again the false premise of a "push". The intention here is not to
motivate anyone, it's to explain the situation and your options.
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