jai-like CTFE string formating
Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Aug 13 11:20:15 PDT 2017
Am 12.08.2017 um 13:47 schrieb Stefan Koch:
> Hi Guys,
> I've just implemented a subset of the std.format functionality.
> In the same style that Johnathan Blow uses for JAI.
> It's about 10x faster then using std.format and uses much less memory :)
> the follwing code takes over 250 ms to compile :
> {
> import std.format;
> pragma(msg, format("Hello %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", " I ",
> "just", " have", " to", " concat", " a lot", " of", " strings ...", 9));
> }
> Whereas the following alternative takes 20 ms :
> {
> import ctfe_utils;
> pragma(msg, format_jai("Hello % % % % % % % % %", " I ", " just", "
> have" , " to", " concat", " a lot", " of", " strings ...", 9));
> }
> see for yourself:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0BJxdt61RY
I was a bit shocked by this number and performed a little test with
multiple calls to format. Fortunately only the first one takes that long
to compile. For 500 different calls I got about 2ms per call on Windows
(which might get slowed down somewhat by the slow terminal output):
import std.format;
template T(size_t i) {
static if (i > 0) {
pragma(msg, format("Bye %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
i, " I ", "just", " have", " to", " concat", " a lot",
" of", " strings ...", 9));
enum T = T!(i-1);
} else enum T = 0;
enum test = T!500;
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