LDC, ARM: unnecessary default initialization

Jack Applegame via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Aug 19 13:25:03 PDT 2017

On Friday, 18 August 2017 at 17:28:38 UTC, kinke wrote:
> On Friday, 18 August 2017 at 12:09:04 UTC, kinke wrote:
>> On Friday, 18 August 2017 at 09:42:25 UTC, Jack Applegame 
>> wrote:
>>> For some reason, the LDC default initializes the structure, 
>>> even if initialization of all its members is specified as 
>>> void. I believe that this is wrong.
>> Afaik, this has been brought up multiple times already and is 
>> so by design. Every aggregate has an init symbol, omitting 
>> that (and accordingly the default initialization of all 
>> instances) by initializing each field with void doesn't work. 
>> The initialization isn't performed fieldwise, but is a bitcopy 
>> of T.init.
>> You can skip initialization of specific instances though - `S 
>> s = void;` - but again not if `s` is a field of another 
>> aggregate.
> Sorry, I forgot some workaround code:
> void ResetHandler() {
>     Foo foo = void;
>     foo.__ctor(10);
>     // or: std.conv.emplace(&foo, 10);
> }
Thanks for the answer. Also I found another workaround code:

module test;

import core.bitop : volatileStore;

struct Foo {
	uint[64] m = void; // no default initialization
	static auto opCall(uint a) {
		Foo foo = void;
		foreach(ref b; foo.m) volatileStore(&b,a++);
		return foo;

void ResetHandler() {
	auto foo = Foo(10);

00000000 <_D4test12ResetHandlerFZv>:
    0:   b0c0            sub     sp, #256        ; 0x100
    2:   2000            movs    r0, #0
    4:   4669            mov     r1, sp
    6:   f100 020a       add.w   r2, r0, #10
    a:   f841 2020       str.w   r2, [r1, r0, lsl #2]
    e:   3001            adds    r0, #1
   10:   2a49            cmp     r2, #73 ; 0x49
   12:   d1f8            bne.n   6 <_D4test12ResetHandlerFZv+0x6>
   14:   b040            add     sp, #256        ; 0x100
   16:   4770            bx      lr

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