Editor recommendations for new users.

Dukc via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Aug 27 03:28:29 PDT 2017

On Sunday, 27 August 2017 at 10:05:29 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
> So I will be doing a workshop on programming for the biology 
> department at my university and I was wondering what would best 
> suit the users.
> The following are a must:
>     support windows & mac ( the more consistent between the two 
> the better)
>     free
>     no large install footprint, preferably simple install 
> procedure (running on laptops)
>     syntax highlighting
>     straightforward to use
> anything else is a bonus.
> Whats your experience with what you use?
> Many thanks
> Nic

Those all apply to Geany. It's much like Notepad++ but 

I'm sure there are other good options too. The problem with geany 
is that it's syntax highlighting and auto-completion depend on 
having the file where the symbol's defined open. But that's 
because it's primarily a lightweight editor, not so much an IDE. 
It has some ide features, but I am not using them and don't know 
whether you can could solve these by creating a geny project.

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