Inheritance from multiple interfaces with the same method name

Mike Franklin slavo5150 at
Thu Dec 7 00:45:21 UTC 2017

On Wednesday, 6 December 2017 at 23:56:33 UTC, Q. Schroll wrote:

> What is D's position on that? The interface spec [2] does not 
> say anything about that case.

It seems it's allowed, but the caller is required to disambiguate.

import std.stdio;

interface I { void f(); }
interface J { int f(); }
class A : I, J
     void f() { writeln("void f()"); }
     int f() { writeln("int f()"); return 0; }

void main()
     A a = new A();

     // Error: A.f called with argument types () matches both: 
A.f() and A.f()
     // Yeah, that error message could be better.

     (cast(I)a).f(); // prints "void f()"
     (cast(J)a).f(); // prints "int f()"


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