Suggestion: needleless findSplit* methods

Piotr Mitana the.mail.of.mi2 at
Tue Dec 12 08:19:39 UTC 2017


I'd like to make a little suggestion for phobos: enrich 
findSplit* method family with the "needleless" predicate option.


Let's have a range of string tokens that - after cutting of the 
initial brace - looks like this:

     auto range = ["23", "42", "14.3", "-323", "}"]

Now I want to map all the numbers to the array:

     auto array = range.findSplitBefore(x => 

As you can see, I do not need the second parameter of prediate, 
as I am not comparing the subsequent haystack elements with any 
needle - I check the condition on the haystack elements alone 
instead. Unfortunately, It's not that simple, because I have only 
this prototype:

      auto findSplitBefore(alias pred, R1, R2)(R1 haystack, R2 
needle) //[...]

That's why I need to add a dummy parameter to achieve what I want 

     auto array = range.findSplitBefore(x => 

So I suggest adding this prototype as well for convenience:

      auto findSplitBefore(alias pred, R)(R haystack) //[...]

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