Adding Markdown to Ddoc

Biotronic simen.kjaras at
Tue Dec 12 17:28:05 UTC 2017

On Tuesday, 12 December 2017 at 16:12:50 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> Ugh. Or why is _this_ italic?

I know! /This should be italic./ _This should be underlined._ How 
anyone could manage to mess those up is way beyond me. Some 
digging indicates it's a decision based on the fact that both are 
used for emphasis. This goes in the same drawer as '9 = 3, 
because they're both numbers'.

Of course, since underlined text is generally not a good idea, 
the solution to that specific problem is to simply not support 
underscores for emphasis. This leaves us with /italics/ being 
indicated by *asterisks*, which I find acceptable.


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