[your code here]
nattawatll9525 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 15 23:29:25 UTC 2017
namespace Ethplorer \ UnitTest ;
ใช้ ข้อยกเว้น ;
ใช้ PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase ;
/ **
* ทดสอบ Ethplorer API
* /
class Api_Test ขยาย PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
protected $ url = ' https://api.ethplorer.io/ ' ;
/ **
* @return void
* /
การ ตั้งค่าฟังก์ชัน สาธารณะ () {
parent :: setUp ();
/ **
* @ปก
* /
ฟังก์ชัน สาธารณะtestGetTokenInfo_OK () {
$ cmd = ' getTokenInfo ' ;
$ testAddress = ' '
ETH: 0
Transactions out: 0
This is a contract address
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ this -> assertTrue (
is_array ( $ aResult ),
sprintf (
"การตอบสนองที่ไม่ถูกต้องที่ได้รับ: \ n % s " ,
var_export ( $ aResult , TRUE )
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( " address " , " name " , "
decimals " , "สัญลักษณ์" , " totalSupply " , " owner " , " totalIn "
, " totalOut " , " holdersCount " , " issuancesCount " , "
countOps " );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( strtolower ( $ testAddress ), $
aResult [ ' address ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( ' THBEX ' , $ aResult [ ' name '
$ this -> assertEquals ( " 4 " , $ aResult [ ' decimals '
$ this -> assertEquals ( ' THBEX ' , $ aResult [ ' symbol
' ]);
/ **
* @ปก
* /
ประชาชน ฟังก์ชั่น testGetTokenInfo_Errors () {
$ cmd = ' getTokenInfo ' ;
$ testAddress = ' '
0xFf71Cb760666Ab06aa73f34995b42dd4b85ea07b ;
$ testAddresses = array (
// address => รหัสข้อผิดพลาด
' '
ETH: 0
Transactions out: 0
This is a contract address
=> 150 , //สัญญา แต่ไม่ใช่โทเค็น
' ' 0xf3763c30dd6986b53402d41a8552b8f7f6a6089c =>
150 , //ไม่ใช่สัญญา
' '0xff3763c30dd6986b53402d41a8552b8f7f6a6089c =>
104 , //รูปแบบที่อยู่ไม่ถูกต้อง
' f3763c30dd6986b53402d41a8552b8f7f6a6089c ' =>
104 , //รูปแบบที่อยู่ไม่ถูกต้อง
foreach ( $ testAddresses เป็น $ address => $ code ) {
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ address ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ this -> assertTrue (
is_array ( $ aResult ) && isset ( $ aResult [ '
error ' ]) && is_array ( $ aResult [ ' error ' ]),
sprintf (
"การตอบสนองที่ไม่ถูกต้องที่ได้รับ: \ n % s " ,
var_export ( $ aResult , TRUE )
$ this -> assertEquals ( $ code , $ aResult [ ' error
' ] [ ' code ' ]);
//ไม่มีคีย์ API
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
//คีย์ API ไม่ถูกต้อง
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey1 ' ));
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
/ **
* @ปก
* /
ประชาชน ฟังก์ชั่น testGetAddressInfo_OK () {
$ cmd = ' getAddressInfo ' ;
$ testAddress = ' '
0x01763c30dd6986b53402d41a8552b8f7f6a6089b ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array (
" ETH " , " ETH.balance " , " ETH.totalIn " , "
ETH.totalOut " ,
"ที่อยู่" , " countTxs " ,
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( strtolower ( $ testAddress ), $
aResult [ ' address ' ]);
//ไม่โทเค็น แต่สัญญา
$ testAddress = ' '
0xf3763c30dd6986b53402d41a8552b8f7f6a6089b ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array (
" ETH " , " ETH.balance " , " ETH.totalIn " , "
ETH.totalOut " ,
"ที่อยู่" , " countTxs " ,
" contractInfo " , " contractInfo.creatorAddress " ,
" contractInfo.transactionHash " , " contractInfo.timestamp "
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( strtolower ( $ testAddress ), $
aResult [ ' address ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0xc2be1c765d622bcfa3ab30bedb508b633ab79217 , $ aResult [ '
contractInfo ' ] [ ' creatorAddress ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( "
"0xbccde49492ff509f9a162de06574e63bc4d2038b96a13ca5935c9c1e97a4278d , $ aResult [ ' contractInfo ' ] [ ' transactionHash ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1474030125 , $ aResult [ '
contractInfo ' ] [ ' timestamp ' ]);
// Token
$ testAddress = ' '
0xFf71Cb760666Ab06aa73f34995b42dd4b85ea07b ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array (
" ETH " , " ETH.balance " , " ETH.totalIn " , "
ETH.totalOut " ,
"ที่อยู่" , " contractInfo " , " countTxs " ,
" tokenInfo " , " tokenInfo.address " , "
tokenInfo.name " , " tokenInfo.decimals " , "
tokenInfo.totalSupply "
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( strtolower ( $ testAddress ), $
aResult [ ' address ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( ' THBEX ' , $ aResult [ '
tokenInfo ' ] [ ' name ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " 4 " , $ aResult [ ' tokenInfo
' ] [ ' decimals ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( ' THBEX ' , $ aResult [ '
tokenInfo ' ] [ 'สัญลักษณ์' ]);
/ **
* @ปก
* /
ประชาชน ฟังก์ชั่น testGetAddressInfo_Errors () {
$ cmd = ' getAddressInfo ' ;
$ testAddress = ' '
0xFf71Cb760666Ab06aa73f34995b42dd4b85ea07b ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , str_replace ( ' 0x '
, ' xx ' , $ testAddress ));
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
//ไม่มีคีย์ API
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
//คีย์ API ไม่ถูกต้อง
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey1 ' ));
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
/ **
* @ปก
* /
ประชาชน ฟังก์ชั่น testGetTxInfo_OK () {
$ cmd = ' getTxInfo ' ;
$ tx = '
'0xd98FF0f44e4700c26bcf00413bf2d3aaaf1d4e8d306b68dea4bcbd940b9063a0 ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ tx , array ( '
apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( " hash " , " blockNumber "
, " confirmations " , " success " , " from " , " to " , " value "
, " input " , " gasLimit " , " gasUsed " , " logs " );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( strtolower ( $ tx ), $ aResult [
' hash ' ]);
// $ this-> assertEquals (strtolower ($ tx), $ aResult
$ this -> assertEquals ( 759019 , $ aResult [ '
blockNumber ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( true , $ aResult [ ' success '
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0x4bb96091ee9d802ed039c4d1a5f6216f90f81b01 , $ aResult [ ' from '
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0xc1c9c914552dc4e110c57e6d946870c5752c7aac , $ aResult [ ' to '
$ this -> assertEquals ( 0 , $ aResult [ ' value ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " 0x " , $ aResult [ ' input '
$ this -> assertEquals ( 41000 , $ aResult [ ' gasLimit '
$ this -> assertEquals ( 0 , $ aResult [ ' gasUsed ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( 0 , count ( $ aResult [ ' logs '
// การทำธุรกรรมโทเค็นด้วยการดำเนินการครั้งเดียว
$ tx = '
'0x91D6024517497c5740e1d8a4786779c257caa6d852b7c7365a0368e0ab2ebf86 ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ tx , array ( '
apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( " hash " , / *
"timestamp", * / " blockNumber " , " confirmations " , " success
" , " from " , " to " , " value " , " input " , " gasLimit " , "
gasUsed " , " logs ", "การดำเนินงาน" );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( strtolower ( $ tx ), $ aResult [
' hash ' ]);
// $ this-> assertEquals (strtolower ($ tx), $ aResult
$ this -> assertEquals ( 2817933 , $ aResult [ '
blockNumber ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( true , $ aResult [ ' success '
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
ETH: 0.260857041
Transactions out: 1,085
, $ aResult [ ' from ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0x48c80f1f4d53d5951e5d5438b54cba84f29f32a5 , $ aResult [ ' to '
$ this -> assertEquals ( 0 , $ aResult [ ' value ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( 63000 , $ aResult [ ' gasLimit '
$ this -> assertEquals ( 37274 , $ aResult [ ' gasUsed '
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $ aResult [ ' logs '
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0x48c80f1f4d53d5951e5d5438b54cba84f29f32a5 , $ aResult [ ' logs '
] [ 0 ] [ ' address ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( "
"0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005e750ea1d10a28000 , $ aResult [ 'บันทึก' ] [ 0 ] [ 'ข้อมูล' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( 3 , count ( $ aResult [ ' logs '
] [ 0 ] [ ' topics ' ])));
$ this -> assertEquals ( "
"0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef , $ aResult [ 'ล็อก' ] [ 0 ] [ 'หัวข้อ' ] [ 0 ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , count ( $ aResult [ '
operations ' ]));
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0xcab65db421ec1afdfb3a18fedb82ba24142e5e45 , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' from ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0x6fc51e87f55bd76ef83d6dc622ea9ad4ba72a056 , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' to ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1481877751 , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' timestamp ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( strtolower ( $ tx ), $ aResult [
' operations ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' transactionHash ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " transfer " , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' type ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " 108901800000000000000 " , $
aResult [ ' operations ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' value ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " REP " , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' tokenInfo ' ] [ 'สัญลักษณ์' ]);
// การทำธุรกรรมโทเค็นกับการดำเนินการหลายรายการ:
$ tx = '
'0xe1a33ccdf62f9b4d0dd6f369a61e01120be151275794163c38fb7e890e428dc7 ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ tx , array ( '
apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ this -> assertEquals ( 2 , count ( $ aResult [ '
operations ' ]));
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0x96477a1c968a0e64e53b7ed01d0d6e4a311945c2 , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' tokenInfo ' ] [ ' address ' ]);
$ this -> assertEquals ( " "
0xc66ea802717bfb9833400264dd12c2bceaa34a6d , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ 1 ] [ ' tokenInfo ' ] [ ' address ' ]);
/ **
* @ปก
* /
ประชาชน ฟังก์ชั่น testGetTxInfo_Error () {
$ cmd = ' getTxInfo ' ;
$ tx = '
'0xd98FF0f44e4700c26bcf00413bf2d3aaaf1d4e8d306b68dea4bcbd940b9063a1 ;
//ไม่รู้จัก hash
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ tx , array ( '
apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ this -> assertEquals ( 404 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [
' code ' ]);
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , str_replace ( ' 0x '
, ' xx ' , $ tx ), array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ this -> assertEquals ( 102 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [
' code ' ]);
//ไม่มีคีย์ API
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ tx );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
//คีย์ API ไม่ถูกต้อง
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ tx , array ( '
apiKey ' => ' freekey1 ' ));
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
ฟังก์ชัน สาธารณะtestGetTokenHistory_OK () {
$ cmd = ' getTokenHistory ' ;
$ testAddress = FALSE ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( ' operations ' );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 10 , count ( $ aResult [ '
operations ' ]));
$ aOperation = $ aResult [ ' operations ' ] [ 0 ];
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( 'จาก' , 'ถึง' , ' timestamp
' , ' tokenInfo ' , ' tokenInfo.address ' , '
tokenInfo.totalSupply ' , ' transactionHash ' , ' type ' , '
value ' );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aOperation , $ aMandatoryFields
$ testAddress = ' '
0xFf71Cb760666Ab06aa73f34995b42dd4b85ea07b ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( ' operations ' );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 10 , count ( $ aResult [ '
operations ' ]));
$ aOperation = $ aResult [ ' operations ' ] [ 0 ];
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( 'จาก' , 'ถึง' , ' timestamp
' , ' tokenInfo ' , ' tokenInfo.address ' , '
tokenInfo.totalSupply ' , ' transactionHash ' , ' type ' , '
value ' );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aOperation , $ aMandatoryFields
สำหรับ ( $ i = 0 ; $ i < 9 ; $ i ++ ) {
$ this -> assertEquals ( ' '
0xff71Cb760666ab06aa73f34995b42dd4b85ea07b , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ $ i ] [ ' tokenInfo ' ] [ ' address ' ]);
// Check Type
$ testAddress = ' '
ETH: 0
Transactions out: 0
This is a contract address
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' , ' type ' => ' issuance '
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( ' operations ' );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 3 , count ( $ aResult [ '
operations ' ]));
สำหรับ ( $ i = 0 ; $ i < 2 ; $ i ++ ) {
$ this -> assertEquals ( ' issuance ' , $ aResult [ '
operations ' ] [ $ i ] [ ' type ' ]);
//ไม่ใช่โทเค็นการดำเนินการใด ๆ
$ testAddress = ' '
ETH: 0
Transactions out: 0
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' , ' type ' => ' issuance '
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( ' operations ' );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 0 , count ( $ aResult [ '
operations ' ]));
// Check Limit
$ testAddress = ' '
ETH: 0
Transactions out: 0
This is a contract address
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' , ' limit ' => 5 ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( ' operations ' );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 5 , count ( $ aResult [ '
operations ' ]));
//ตรวจสอบขีด จำกัด สูงสุด
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey ' , ' limit ' => 500 ));
$ aMandatoryFields = array ( ' operations ' );
$ this -> checkArray ( $ aResult , $ aMandatoryFields );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 10 , count ( $ aResult [ '
operations ' ]));
/ **
* @ปก
* /
ฟังก์ชัน สาธารณะtestGetTokenHistory_Error () {
$ cmd = ' getTokenHistory ' ;
$ testAddress = '
ETH: 0
Transactions out: 0
This is a contract address
' ;
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , str_replace ( ' 0x '
, ' xx ' , $ testAddress ), อาร์เรย์ ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey '
$ this -> assertEquals ( 104 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [
' code ' ]);
//ไม่มีคีย์ API
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress );
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
//คีย์ API ไม่ถูกต้อง
$ aResult = $ this -> rq ( $ cmd , $ testAddress ,
array ( ' apiKey ' => ' freekey1 ' ));
$ this -> assertEquals ( 1 , $ aResult [ ' error ' ] [ '
code ' ]);
/ **
* คำขอ API
* * * *
* @param type $ cmd
* @param type $ subject
* @ พระรามอาร์เรย์ $ aParameters
* @return type
* /
การคุ้มครอง การทำงาน RQ ( $ cmd , $ เรื่อง = ' ' , อาร์เรย์ $
aParameters = อาร์เรย์ ()) {
$ URL = $ นี้-> URL $ cmd ;
if ( $ subject ) {
$ URL = $ URL ' / ' $ subject ;
if ( ! empty ( $ aParameters )) {
$ URL = $ URL ' ? ' . http_build_query ( $
aParameters );
$ json = file_get_contents ( $ url );
$ aResult = json_decode ( $ json , TRUE );
return $ aResult ;
/ **
* ตรวจสอบว่าอาร์เรย์มีฟิลด์ระบุทั้งหมดหรือไม่
* * * *
* @ พระรามอาร์เรย์ $ aResult
* @ พระรามอาร์เรย์ $ aMandatoryFields
* /
ฟังก์ชันที่ ได้รับการป้องกันcheckArray ( array $ aResult , array $
aMandatoryFields ) {
foreach ( $ aMandatoryFields as $ field ) {
$ fieldOriginal = $ field ;
if ( FALSE ! == strpos ( $ field , ' . ' )) {
$ field = explode ( ' . ' , $ field );
$ this -> assertTrue (
is_array ( ฟิลด์ $ ) หรือไม่? isset ( $ aResult [ $
field [ 0 ]] [ $ field [ 1 ]]): isset ( $ aResult [ $ field ]),
sprintf (
" Field { $ fieldOriginal } ไม่อยู่ในการตอบสนอง:
\ n % s " ,
var_export ( $ aResult , TRUE )
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