Some thoughts about C and D, return data through parameters
ketmar at
Tue Dec 19 11:27:38 UTC 2017
cosinus wrote:
> So my question is would it be a good idea to have some kind of implicit
> declarations of variables that are used as parameters:
> ```D
> int add(decl ref int c, int a, int b);
> // ...
> // c is unknown here
> if(add(c, 123, 456)) {
> writeln("error!");
> }
> // c is implicit declared at the function-call above.
> assert(c == 579);
> ```
D already has one such construct, `foreach`. and it is a huge misdesign. it
is *absolutely* not clear from the code that `c` is introduced by a
function call. exactly like with `foreach (c; ...)`, any sane person
expects that just using variable name without any type prepended means
"let's use already declared variable `c`". the ONLY place where this
uniformity is broken now is `foreach`, and this is already bad.
note that D devs stubbornly insists that `auto` is not a type placeholder,
but a storage qualifier, like `static`, so you can't write `foreach (auto
c; ...)` (and compiler rejects such code). yet, `if (auto c = ...)` is
perfectly allowed, and here `auto` is type placeholder. talking about
consistency, yeah.
anyway, adding yet another broken promise (aka illogical inconsistency)
into language won't do any good. each inconsistency makes code harder to
read and understand.
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