Maybe D is right about GC after all !

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Thu Dec 21 07:17:33 UTC 2017

On Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 04:16:32 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:
> On 12/20/17 10:28, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> On 12/20/2017 01:14 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>>> from developers that learned it before C++98 and
>>> can't care less what is being discussed on Reddit and HN.
>> I don't blame them one bit because keeping up with C++ and 
>> learning C++
>> Core Guidelines is a tremendous task:
>> I keep starting writing replies here about C++ Core Guidelines 
>> but I
>> delete them after counting to ten. Not this time... :)
>> I think it's a psychological phenomenon worthy of scientific 
>> interest
>> how a craft with so many guidelines can still be accepted. I 
>> am baffled
>> how otherwise wonderful and smart people can direct others to 
>> that
>> document with a straight face, let alone market it as one of 
>> the
>> greatest gifts to C++ programmers (cf. CppCon 2015 keynotes by 
>> Herb
>> Sutter and Bjarne Stroustrup.)
>> Ali
> I had Chrome estimate how many pages it would be print out. In 
> "Letter" size it's 181 double-sided pages. It's not 
> "Guidelines" it is a book on "Best Practices"

Bjarne, Herb and others are quite aware that the only way to 
actually know the guidelines is via static code analyzers, like 
clang tidy and VC++ checkers.

And lets be a bit honest here, if someone took the effort of 
writing the D Core Guidelines, including warnings about half done 
features and differences between compilers, how many pages would 
it be?

Maybe not 181, but I can easily imagine it getting around 100.


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