Maybe D is right about GC after all !

Thomas Mader thomas.mader at
Fri Dec 22 15:41:30 UTC 2017

On Friday, 22 December 2017 at 04:56:57 UTC, thedeemon wrote:
> Making the GC more like in Go and JVM means adding write 
> barriers, it means making general code slower (we're not 
> fast-as-C anymore), it means losing easy C compatibility (hello 
> FFI!), it means forbidding many current language features like 
> unions and casts, it means changing the language to something 
> that's not D anymore.
> So I think we can expect some minor improvements in GC, but 
> nothing radical.

What about a special GC mode for SafeD only processes which could 
probably be made precise and maybe even concurrent?
If a process is entirely in SafeD the GC would run in the "safed" 
mode otherwise the conservative GC is being run.

Go seems to make the following assumption which should be doable 
for D too: "Starting with Go 1.3, the runtime assumes that values 
with pointer type contain pointers and other values do not." [1]


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