D as a betterC a game changer ?

Dan Partelly i at i.com
Sun Dec 24 10:11:37 UTC 2017

It is a game chager for D, or a least huge step forward  but what 
is the killer feature against a betterC done through C++ + STL ? 
Can anyone who really know both D and C++ godlike say why  D as 
betterC and not C++ as better C? Maybe Andrei or Walter ?

Learning a new language (as opposed to playing with it, which 
takes hours) takes a lot if investment in time. So please somone 
help us pople new to it.

1. D BetterC blogs says no RAII.
2. No high level library available. C++ has the whole power of 
STL which can be used in a better C mode. D has to use only C 
standard lib. STL gets you covered for a lot. This is *huge* win 
for C++. I cannot overstate how important this is.
3. No exceptions. (Blessing or curse ?) C++ in a betterC mode
4. saftey. Full saftey is neither D as better C in C++. Arrays ? 
use STL. Uninit locals varibales ?  good compiler implementation 
-Wall -Werror.
5. Most C++ features cannot be inhibited with a compiler switch. 
Oh well. This sucks.
6. No array overflows in D. STL solves this. Design by contract 
in D and not in C++. Usefull for some projects.
7. Modules. This is big for keeping things neat. Not in C++.
8. metaprogramming. better in D no question about it, even after 
a couple of days one can see this. Static introspection. Not in 
C++, but it will come. D wins for now.
9. Easy to port C to D. Should be as easier to port to C++ with 
saftey features.
10. Ecosystem. C++... the whole computing world rests on a C/C++ 
titan. A lot of quality code which have run sometimes in exces of 
40 years getting mentenance and bug fixes. What is D situation.
11. Sintax. D prolly wins here especially for metaprogramming.
12. Speed of compiles. D is fast to compile needs quantifying. 
LDC/CLANG not dmd/clang comparisions. same lvel of optimizations. 
Then you can get an accurate ideea. Speed of compilation is king 
for bottom up design.
13. Refactors. C++ is meh. Tools arrise to make this easier. How 
is D here ? Also
great feature for bottom up design.
14. Debugging. How are debugging tools in D compared to C++ ?

>> D as betterC really is a game changer, for anyone who cares to 
>> give it a try.
> Yes, it really is.

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