An unfortunate quirk of DMD32 converting floating-point to string
Ivan Kazmenko
gassa at
Tue Dec 26 23:41:05 UTC 2017
While exploring quirks of floating-point values, as well as
C/C++/D convenience with them, I stumbled on, in essence, the
following (DMD32 on Windows):
void main ()
import std.stdio : writefln;
double x = 128.0; // same for real or float
writefln ("%.20a", x); // 0x1.00000000000000000000p+7, right
writefln ("%.20f", x); // 127.99999999999999999000, wrong
1. The internal representation is fine: the exponent (before
shift) is 7, and the mantissa is all-zeroes (except the "1." part
which is not stored).
2. Formatting to a decimal representation goes off in a bad way,
giving the wrong third significant digit.
3. The trail of 9s is the same ~20 decimal digits for every
floating-point type, which suggests that they are all converted
to 80-bit real before formatting. This obscures their difference
in width, which is bad from at least the learning standpoint.
Point 2 is sad. One would expect at least the exact powers of
two to be stored exactly. And indeed they are. But trying to
demonstrate it gives the wrong impression that they are not.
This adds unnecessary confusion to the already complex subject of
how floating-point values work, and learning the subject with D
becomes much harder.
On the competition front, this already seems to be settled: at
least with MinGW GCC, both C printf and C++ cout correctly
display powers of two - and perhaps any small integers exactly
stored as floating-point data, for that matter.
With DMD64, the issue vanishes. This strongly suggests that
32-bit druntime is the culprit. And indeed, the Phobos
"formatValue ... if (is(FloatingPointTypeOf!T) && ...)" for
floating-point calls snprintf from druntime, after which I
couldn't easily track it to the source code. Should this be so?
And regardless, perhaps snprintf (or Phobos or whatever will do
the dirty work) can adapt a more modern approach so that integers
in floating-point don't get corrupted when converted to string
representation? Perhaps even without sacrificing much speed.
The most obvious way seems to just make multiplications by 10,
comparisons and subtractions in a loop, and is likely slow but at
least correct for integers.
I'm going to make this a bugreport, but first wanted to
explicitly point at this in the discussion group, since it's
quirky, and I may have easily missed something important.
Ivan Kazmenko.
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