Maybe D is right about GC after all !

Dan Partelly i at
Wed Dec 27 16:39:23 UTC 2017

On Wednesday, 27 December 2017 at 15:37:22 UTC, rjframe wrote:
> And D has faith that programmers using @trusted know what 
> they're doing (for both writing and calling the function). 
> There is no avoiding trust in a useful language.

I'm just playing devil's advocate.  Faith is something best left 
to priests not engineers. There is a lot of value in code for 
critical systems in having the compiler enforcing safe constructs 
by default. And still trust you enough to let it disable where it 
counts without writing a Tolstoi novel. It is the sane default.

But unfortunately socially people feel different. If safe would 
be the default, they would feel like the government robed them of 
their right to free speech or confiscated their property. The 
aversion to safety in a programming language is nothing but one 
of the countless way in which fear to be robbed of "free will" 
manifests. An unjustified fear after all, for so much of your 
free will is already so limited.

No hacker language == no success.

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