D as a betterC a game changer ?
Dan Partelly
i at i.com
Wed Dec 27 19:42:50 UTC 2017
On Wednesday, 27 December 2017 at 19:11:14 UTC, Laeeth Isharc
>'Competition is for losers', according to Peter Thiel. It's
>completely the wrong mindset >to succeed in a free society.
>What you're supposed to do is create a monopoly that you >earn
>and keep earning every day. Economic quasi-rent, or pure profit,
I dont really know who Peter Thiel guys is but economic
quasi-rent assumes that you already have something of value,
which feels a real void. For example Gabe Newell and his Steam
store. In each one of us there is lazy rentier, it is only
natural to cash in without doing any real effort(altough today;s
rentiers are not like the nobles of the past, they do work 12h /
day , but yeah .. ). But this destroys innovation, and in the
long run is of little value to society since it doesn't produce
more advances.
>D shouldn't compete against anything any more than it has tried
>to compete in the past. >The way to success is to listen to
>people who like what you are doing anyway and would >like you to
>develop along
D doesnt exist in a void where it can form a natural
monopoly.Also, in this world things do not sell themselves, no
matter how good they are. Try what you suggest, no marketing,
just excellent decisions and D will kill itself.
On Wednesday, 27 December 2017 at 19:11:14 UTC, Laeeth Isharc
> It's open source! It doesn't work like that.
> If you want people to work on something, write a proof of
> concept and talk about it. T...... do the work in a community
> of highly intelligent, spirited, and independent-minded people?
Don't put the carriage before the horses. I understand enthusiasm
but this is too much. You
cannot in good faith ask anyone which is interested in your cause
to contribute his time in development or organize fund raising.
Im not here to save the world , the baby seals , or D (if it
needs saving), or whatever other crusade. Im here because Im
curious about D, curious enough to want to know future direction
and what the bright people around here think on it. I ask nobody
yet to implement anything, neither do I try to shift its
development in any way. I gather cursory information and for the
rest ... I simply don't care.. yet.
That is all. Dont try to see more.
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