What don't you switch to GitHub issues

Mengu mengukagan at gmail.com
Sun Dec 31 23:50:04 UTC 2017

On Sunday, 31 December 2017 at 19:49:07 UTC, Meta wrote:
> On Sunday, 31 December 2017 at 11:18:26 UTC, Seb wrote:
>> On Saturday, 30 December 2017 at 02:50:48 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
>> wrote:
>>> Bugzilla was the most well-known solution at the time. Keep 
>>> in mind the D bugzilla has been around since 2006. As far as 
>>> I understand it, migration at this point is deemed a big pain.
>> No it wouldn't be a big pain. There are many tools for 
>> automatically migrating issues from Bugzilla. The only thing 
>> depending on Bugzilla is the changelog generator, but it's API 
>> calls to Bugzilla can be replaced with GitHub API calls within 
>> an hour.
>> So the entire migration could be easily done in a lot less 
>> than a day.
>> The only reason we still use Bugzilla is that the core people 
>> are used to it. Here are a couple of the common arguments:
>> 1) Bugzilla is our, we don't want to depend on GitHub
>> The D ecosystem already heavily depends on GitHub. Exporting 
>> the issues from GitHub would be easy. Besides there is only 
>> one person with access to the Bugzilla server.
>> 2) GitHub only has per registry issues
>> Bugzilla uses components too, they don't support global issues 
>> either. Besides if that's required one could easily create a 
>> meta repository for such global tasks.
>> 3) Bugzilla's issue tracker is more sophisticated
>> Sure, but does this help when you loose out on many 
>> contributors?
>> GitHub even has build tools and sites that let anyone discover 
>> "easy" issues if they are labeled accordingly. It's free 
>> marketing.
>> FYI I asked the same question 1 1/2 years ago: 
>> https://forum.dlang.org/post/ezldcjzpmsnxvvncncsi@forum.dlang.org
>> Since then, for example, GitHub got voting for issues, but 
>> Bugzilla lost it.
> I wholeheartedly agree. The customer is always right, 
> especially when you're trying to get them to donate their time 
> to an open source project. It's more essential than ever that 
> we lower barriers to participation; if Github issues is the hip 
> new thing all the kids like, then we need to switch to that. We 
> shouldn't be constantly switching to the shiniest new toy, but 
> nor should we stubbornly stick to a piece of software that was 
> built (and it looks it) in '90s.
> Or at least we should if we're trying to attract the kind of 
> people for whom not using Github is a deal breaker. Older 
> C++/Java programmers likely don't care, but younger 
> Python/Ruby/JS users will.

there are three things that i've noticed:

- in this thread, there is not a single positive post by walter. 
none. nada. zilch. it'd have been much better if he just did not 
post anything.

- d leadership is dusty and so are their tools. we are no js 
community and hope we never become anything like them but 
bugzilla is a hundred years old. i am on github, i am on this ml 
and i also need a bugzilla account? what else do i need to be a 
part of this community? why can't you provide me a seamless 
travel in between? have a forum software, allow me to sign in via 
github and i am a member of the community. but no, they love 
their ugly bugzilla, they love their mailing list.

- has anyone realized we do not attract anyone who has just 
started to learn programming? what are we going to do about it?

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