syntax sugar: std.path::buildPath instead of from!"std.path".buildPath
Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Mon Feb 13 21:32:20 PST 2017
> The only thing from has going for it is that it doesn't require a
language change. Yours does, so it should be compared to the proposals in
DIP1005 and not just from.
indeed. But just because something can be done in library code doesn't mean
it should. Same exact rationale for:
`lazy`, `=>`, scope(exit), etc. All of these coul've been done in pure
library code, but the syntax sugar makes them particularly easy to use.
Syntax sugar should be used sparingly, but it makes sense if
* it simplifies syntax compared to best possible library code
* it's for a common use case
On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 9:03 PM, Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d <
digitalmars-d at> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 14 February 2017 at 03:49:28 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
>> What about allowing syntax sugar as an alternative to relying on the new
>> `from/Module` inline import idiom:
>> ```
>> void fun(T)(std.stdio::File input, T value) if (std.traits::isIntegral!T)
>> {...}
>> ```
>> instead of:
>> ```
>> void fun(T)(Module!"std.stdio".File input, T value) if
>> (Module!"std.traits".isIntegral!T) {...}
>> ```
>> Rationale:
>> * this reads much better (less noise); same as `=>` syntax for lambdas
>> * this is expected to be a very common pattern, so might as well make it
>> as simple as possible
>> * not particular on which symbol is used, could be something else, so
>> long it doesn't involve writing a string such as from!"std.traits". But ::
>> will be familiar to those coming from C++/rust etc.
>> * from!"" is too loose and can be abused arbitrarily:
>> ```
>> // this compiles
>> void fun(){
>> from!"std.stdio; pragma(msg,`abuse...`); import std.stdio".File a;
>> }
>> ```
>> Furthermore this is useful in other scenarios, namely when an import is
>> used only once in a context:
>> ```
>> auto fun(){ return std.file::getcwd; }
>> ```
>> is more DRY; instead of:
>> ```
>> auto fun(){ static import std.file; return std.file.getcwd; }
>> auto fun(){ return Module!"std.file".getcwd; }
>> ```
>> NOTE: if :: is not feasible for whatever reason, let's consider other
>> symbols without prejudice to this proposal.
> The only thing from has going for it is that it doesn't require a language
> change. Yours does, so it should be compared to the proposals in DIP1005
> and not just from.
> TBQH all the the proposed syntaxes for the DIP1005 problem kind of suck,
> because at the end of the day there's no good way to solve the problem.
> Every proposed solution either
> 1. Looks terrible (and some people highly underestimate the cost of a
> language looking bad), or
> 2. Complicate our already complex function definitions even further. How
> is a beginner not going to look at this and feel like barfing
> with (import std.datetime, std.range.primitives) void fun(R)(scope R r,
> const ref Systime value) if (isInputRange!R && !isFinite!R) { ... }
> But, I'm still of the opinion that the `with` syntax is currently the best
> proposal. Others have already shown the weaknesses of the `from!` approach.
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