DIP10005: Dependency-Carrying Declarations is now available for community feedback
Joakim via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Jan 5 00:25:52 PST 2017
On Tuesday, 3 January 2017 at 20:07:59 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
>> Arguing that local imports have been successful so we should
>> simply do
>> more of it is not a good argument, as there comes a point of
>> diminishing
>> returns. You need to show that there are still worthile gains
>> to be
>> made from changing the language again, which is why I want to
>> benchmark
>> this feature with Walter before deciding.
> You can be reasonably certain the benchmarks will improve as
> projected - starting in proportion to the the transitive fanout
> of top-level imports (10.5x for the standard library) and going
> down thereafter with the size, complexity, and actual
> dependencies of the module being compiled. All in all
> measurable but not dramatic. The same improvement will be
> brought about by lazy imports, and it won't be the deal
> maker/breaker. If you're waiting for the numbers to get
> convinced of anything, you already consider DIP1005 useless.
I don't need dramatic, a solid win is fine. A small 10% or less
improvement in the speed of the import phase of compilation
probably isn't worth it.
>> Rather, the
>> argument is that local imports mostly solved this problem, so
>> why bother
>> adding new syntax for the dozen remaining symbols from 2-3
>> modules that
>> are commonly used in template constraints?
> I understand. It is my humble opinion that we are "mostly
> pregnant" for as long as we require top-level imports. The real
> change of phase occurs when there are ZERO imports at top
> level. That's the prize DIP1005 is after.
If you believe the benchmarks won't be dramatically different, I
wonder why you think there will be a phase change.
>> In the end, this is a minor DIP that is easily bikeshedded, as
>> everybody
>> can grasp it and have an opinion on it. I have refrained from
>> commenting recently because I will let benchmarking settle it
>> for me.
>> Obviously, that won't suffice for others.
> I do agree that if framed as a modest improvement in build
> economics, it is quite unimportant. But that's a problem with
> the DIP; its main strength is better encapsulation, which is no
> small thing.
Encapsulation is not an end in itself. You have listed four main
advantages of this change in the DIP. I have noted that I don't
find the first three relating to reasoning and refactoring worth
adding syntax for, while admitting that may be subjective. The
fourth talks about scalability, which I interpreted as either
compilation speed or some other measurable gain, hence my asking
for benchmarks.
If scalability refers to something else- it can't be reasoning or
refactoring as those are listed as separate advantages- I'd like
to hear what it is. If it's measurable, I'd like to measure it
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