Learning resources for std.experimental.allocator

xtreak via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Jan 5 03:09:01 PST 2017

I am newbie to D learning it for sometime using Ali's book. I 
came across std.experimental.allocator and read through 
http://dlang.org/library/std/experimental/allocator/building_blocks.html . Can someone explain me the actual benefits of using this and if so any benchmarks explaining the advantage. Maybe its too advanced for me as a beginner now its just I am curious over the usage and applications with a simple hello world like example explaining what this library will accomplish. I asked it previously at https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/4hti33/dconf_2016_is_streaming_right_now/d2satic/ but still I don't understand the exact applications of the same.

A simple hello world like example over its advantage will be very 
much helpful.

PS : Sorry for the crosspost. I posted it to learn group but 
didn't receive any suggestions on the same at 

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