Vibe.d - very low performance

Sönke Ludwig via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Jul 14 03:21:36 PDT 2017

Am 14.07.2017 um 11:55 schrieb Marek:
> On Friday, 7 July 2017 at 19:03:52 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> I think that vibe.d didn't take full advantage of multi core, even 
>> when enabling threading support. Ruby, or rather Rails, applications 
>> are usually run using multiple processes, which allows to scale on a 
>> multi core CPU. You can do the same with vibe.d as well.
> So why Ruby or Python frameworks are much faster in this benchmark?

- The vibe.d benchmark didn't scale across cores plus overhead
- The Ruby/Python benchmarks scaled >= 40x using multiple processes

You could do the same for the vibe.d benchmark, too (and it's generally 
a good idea). The current version should have the in-process scalability 
issue fixed, though, so presumably that will also work correctly now.

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