How do you use D?

H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Jul 29 14:07:24 PDT 2017

On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 02:58:01PM +0000, Ali via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> How do you use D?

vim + dmd git HEAD :-)

Well, sometimes also gdc/ldc2, but usually just dmd git HEAD because I'm
a sucker for bleeding edge D.

> In work, (key projects or smaller side projects)

Unfortunately, people at work are very C/C++ centric and resistant to
other languages. Plus, we have a huge codebase that has to run on an
embedded system, so adding a new language into the mix does not sit well
with the PTBs.  So, no D at work, sad to say. :-(

> in your side project, (github, links please)

Sorry, most of my projects are not (yet) available on github.  The few
which are, include:

The dcal code is very minimal, because it was supposed to be example
code for the following article, so I haven't added any bells and
whistles that I otherwise normally would:

> just to learn something new? (I would easily argue that learning D
> will make you a better C++ programmer, maybe not the most efficient
> way, but I a sure it i very effective)

Actually, I've found that D has completely spoiled C/C++ for me.  After
tasting the expressive power that is D, having to deal with C at work
and C++ to a lesser extent (a rather constricted subset of C++, I might
add, for various reasons) is just very painful and frustrating.  I just
can't enjoy working with C/C++ the way I used to anymore.  D is just too
comfortable to use and just too awesome, that going back to C/C++ feels
like being forced to program on a 1MHz CPU with 64kB RAM after
experiencing the power of a 6-core CPU with 800MHz per core with 3GB
RAM.  The only reason I'm still putting up with C/C++ is because they
pay me to do it.

> Did you introduce D to your work place? How? What challenges did you
> face?

Unfortunately, they are not receptive to new languages right now.  C is
king here, sad to say, and even C++ is only barely tolerated (they
basically outlawed C++ exceptions in the name of optimization, and use
their own C-based hack instead, among other such restrictions). The mere
mention of the word "GC" will make the answer an automatic "no".

> What is you D setup at work, which compiler, which IDE?

Compiler: usually dmd, but where performance is important, gdc or ldc2.

IDE: what's that? :-D  Linux is my IDE, vim is my source code editor.
And no, I don't use syntax highlighting either. (IMAO, if code (or the
language) needs highlighting just to be readable, it has already failed.
I'm probably by far the minority in this opinion, and I'm quite happy
with that. :-P)


By understanding a machine-oriented language, the programmer will tend to use a much more efficient method; it is much closer to reality. -- D. Knuth

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