The design of the hooks in std.experimental.checkedint
Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Sat Jun 3 08:59:30 PDT 2017
I've been looking a bit at the design of the hooks in
std.experimental.checkedint. Due to all hooks being optional there's
quite a few "static if" in the implementation of checkedint to check if
a hook is implemented.
Wouldn't it be simpler if all hooks were required and a default
implementation was provided instead? Currently the Abort hook is the
default hook that defines a couple of hooks but not all of them. If a
default hook is instead implements all hooks but is implemented as a
template it can be mixed in into custom hooks that want to change the
behavior. For example, I want a hook that only defines the default
value. Today that would look like this:
struct DefaultValueHook
static T defaultValue!(T)() { return 1; }
If all hooks were required to be implemented but a default
implementations would be provided it would look like this instead:
mixin template DefaultHook()
T defaultValue!(T)() { return T.init; }
... // the rest of the hooks
struct DefaultValueHook
mixin DefaultHook; // provides default implementation for all hooks
T defaultValue!(T)() { return 1; } // "overrides" defaultValue
defined in DefaultHook
One extra line of could is required, the mixin.
It should also be simpler if you want to customize an existing hook but
just override one of the hooks. Example:
struct DefaultValueHook
mixin Warn;
Dst onBadCast(Dst, Src)(Src src) { assert(0); }
In the implementation of Checked it would know that a hook is always
provided and quite a few of the existing "static if" could be removed.
/Jacob Carlborg
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