bug? floating point precision with std.format

Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jun 5 08:37:42 PDT 2017

It appears that the precision parameter in std.format differs from its 
meaning in printf. Is that expected behavior?


import std.stdio;
import core.stdc.stdio;

void main()
     auto f = 20.66666;
     writefln("%0.3s", f);
     printf("%0.3f\n", f);


It appears that the precision specifier is dictating the total number of 
digits on *both sides* of the decimal place. Whereas, in C, it's only 
the number of digits *after* the decimal place.

I'm trying to specify 3 places of precision after the decimal. How do I 
do this easily?

I'm having a hard time believing this behavior has never been reported, 
but I can't find anything about it in bugzilla. Tested all the way back 
to 2.040.


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