DMD test suite not runnable on Debian/Linux

H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri Jun 9 15:14:30 PDT 2017

I'm trying to track down an autotester failure in a DMD PR, and getting
very frustrated that the DMD test suite does not run on Debian/Linux
because of the whole PIE-by-default fiasco that necessitates compiling
everything with -fPIC.

(1) Currently, there is no way to customize how test/Makefile compiles
d_do_tests.d, so there is no way to insert -fPIC into the offending
compile line.

(2) d_do_tests itself runs compile commands with `-conf=`, so putting
-fPIC inside dmd.conf has no effect (where otherwise it does the right
thing when dmd is invoked "normally"). There's no obvious way to make
customize the compile command used for each test: I tried setting the
environment variable ARGS but that just messed up the test runner's
expected outputs. Tried to add -fPIC to the DMD environment variable but
that blew up in a different way.

So basically, I'm stuck up PIE creek without a paddle, and have no way
to locally test DMD changes without hogging more load on the autotester.

Why is something so simple so hard to do?!


Жил-был король когда-то, при нём блоха жила.

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