proposal: reading multiple files with dmd -stdin and allow specifying (fake) file names
Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Wed Jun 14 21:48:04 PDT 2017
Proposal: support reading multiple files (with fake file names) from stdin.
This is a natural extension of (Issue 9287 - DMD should
read from stdin when an input file is "-")
Example use case:
* simplify writing bug reports and trying out other peoples's bug reports
* simplify writing unittests that depend on multiple files
* IDE integration where more than 1 file are desired
Proposed syntax: use a delimiter to seperate different modules, with a
(fake) file name.
cat module_list.txt | dmd -stdin
with cat module_list.txt:
pragma(module, "bar/foo1.d");
module foo1;
void test1(){}
pragma(module, "bar/foo2.d");
module foo2; // A module name is required
void test2(){}
// etc
Now when sending a bug report involving multiple files, the user
doesn't need to manually re-create the file hierarchy, all he needs is
copy paste to the terminal after dmd -stdin, followed by ^D (or just
cat module_list.txt | dmd -stdin)
The other feature here is introduction of fake file names, which
should behave exactly as the real file names except for initially
reading them. This'll greatly simplify writing compiler unittests, or
writing examples for dub / vibe programs that typically rely on a file
hierarchy. This'll also allow documentation unittests involving
multiple files. There are probably other use cases based on reading
entire packages from a url, etc.
similar to :
* read from stdin until EOF, then parse into a map string[string]
(module_contents[fakefilename]), then insert a simple interception
logic that searches inside this map before searching in the
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