D needs to get its shit together!

Mike B Johnson via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Jun 17 07:01:38 PDT 2017

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 13:23:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
> On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 06:06:53 UTC, Mike B Johnson wrote:
>> [...]
> This isn't as severe as you make it sound. If the latest 
> version of VS doesn't work, the one before will. It's easy to 
> prevent such issues in the future. Since we never know if a new 
> version of VS will break things, this can be solved by one 
> person who can monitor the beta releases of VS and submit PRs 
> to the appropriate repositories if the paths change, or (as 
> happened with VS 2015) the C runtime library changes, or some 
> other breakage arises. Then DMD can get support for the new 
> version before it's released. Could that person be you?
>> [...]
> What I've done in the past is to keep the latest DMD on the 
> system path, then set up Command Prompt shortcuts initialized 
> with a different batch file to set override it with paths to 
> different compilers/versions. If DVM could get support for LDC 
> and GDC, then you'd have everything in one convenient app.
>> [...]
> Backup the sc.ini file.
>> [...]
> Like what?
>> [...]
> So, what are you proposing here? Educate us. What are we 
> supposed to take into account? I use my computer also for 
> graphics, music, programming, document editing, all sorts of 
> stuff. The only breakage I've ever had has usually been related 
> to anti-virus software, though in the past there was an 
> occasional issue with things like SecuRom. What exactly should 
> the D community to in order to alleviate these major breakages 
> you have on your system?
>> [...]
> I would like to reiterate here what I mentioned earlier in this 
> thread -- people in the D community are currently fixing flaws 
> all the time. That we aren't fixing the flaws that particularly 
> peeve you does not mean nothing is being done. I would also 
> like to reiterate that if something is important enough to you, 
> then you could do something about it besides coming to the 
> forums and calling the rest of us ignorant. Write a DIP. File 
> issues on Bugzilla. Submit pull requests. Take on 
> responsibility for ensuring Visual Studio compatibility. Or do 
> nothing, but please don't act as if we're all just sitting here 
> twiddling our thumbs.

You realize your mentality is like a dead rat? It just stinks. 
Your solutions are not solutions. They are patches. I wouldn't 
hire you to fix my plumbing because in a few months I'll have to 
fix it again. You are ok with that, because you get paid either 
way.  Keep kicking the can down the road... It may get you a bit 
of exercise but in the long run you are just wasting everyone's 
time. I also suggest you get out of the 1970's. Software and 
computers have come a long way. We shouldn't have to resort to 
the same mind set 40+ years ago. I shouldn't have to backup 
sc.ini, just because you think it is the way doesn't mean it is. 
That mindset for sc.ini pervades all your so called solutions. 
There are better ways, too bad you don't care or are too ignorant 
to see them.

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