Joakim via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at
Fri Jun 23 12:56:17 PDT 2017
On Friday, 23 June 2017 at 19:03:01 UTC, FoxyBrown wrote:
> Hi,
> I will be developing some hardware and software that will need
> to be portable across a multitude of systems.
> At first, I will develop some of the non-specific
> infrastructural code base on windows for convenience. These
> involve the GUI, overall structure, etc.
> I think will need to move in to more mobile aspects such as the
> android and Raspberry Pi which will allow me to start to
> integrate and work with the future hardware based parts of this
> system.
> At this point I am in the setup stages that will organize and
> formulate a proper plan of action. I am aware that D works for
> Windows/Linux/Mac and has some Raspberry Pi and android/arm
> support with very little FPGA/ASIC/DSP/uC support.
> I hope, by the time that I get in to the hardware layers that D
> will have advanced further down the line on them.
> My understanding is that DMD is only applicable for the 3 main
> platforms, and this is fine for now as that is where I'll
> start. LDC is starting to progress on ARM/android and I have
> seen someone write a to use D on FPGA through a transformation
> process. Some work has been done with some lower level uC's
> such as the PIC and ARM processors.
> Now that GDC is in the works, I assume that will open up even
> more doors. Because this is a long term project(10+ years) and
> involves many different systems, subsystems, architectures, and
> so forth, organization is key for success. The problem I have
> with the choice of D over C/C++, at the moment, is in it's
> knowledge base. Most of the advancements for the different
> platforms are done by individuals with their own unique goals
> and motivations in mind. There is very little organized
> structure to the overall development. Finding information for
> specific aspects and requirements involves hunting down the
> appropriate information. Usually it is forum posts and link
> fishing, usually outdated. Structured documentation is key for
> efficient and successful progress, which I find D to be lacking
> in. While library functionality is documented and adequate, the
> architectural issues and development is not.
> Is there any hope of seeing a unified structured interface to
> the different platforms that D is starting to be developed on
> rather than having to hunt and peck for the answers?
> If not, may I suggest, at a minimum, some type of hierarchy
> based solution that involves all the major design applications
> of D with the ability to cross-reference, date, comment, and
> modify? A sort of wiki but with a bit more hierarchical
> structure.
> D
> Cross-Platform
> Compilers
> ...
> ...
> Library
> ...
> ...
> Windows
> Compiler
> ...
> Compiling
> ...
> ...
> Library
> ...
> Compiling
> ...
> Documentation
> ...
> Wi32 API
> ...
> Problems
> ...
> Functions
> ...
> Misc
> ...
> Uncategorized
> ...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Progress
> ...
> ...
> The idea is that one can delve in to the hierarchy and find
> whatever info they want or add to it if it is not there so that
> someone else can find it. At some point, most of what D can do
> is found in the hierarchy, which, as we all know, only requires
> around O(log2(n)) search time(rather than O(n^m) for googling
> topics and link fishing). At some point, this hierarchy
> becomes very efficient at representing the information we all
> are searching for rather than a flat random access type of
> list. The point is to design such an interface and let users
> like me fill it out and as time goes on, finding relevant
> information becomes quicker and quicker. For proper design,
> meta-information must be used to it's fullest. (Tags, date
> stamping, ratings, relevancy, cross-references, etc)
> Or, perhaps, we already have something this powerful in the
> works?
The ldc wiki page has a rudimentary version of what you're
looking for, listing all platforms worked on and some idea of how
well they're supported:
Dmd will likely never target the vast majority of the platforms
you list, so it will depend on the gdc and ldc teams doing it.
Also, I'm looking at submitting a pull with my last ldc CMake
patch to cross-compile the stdlib for Android/ARM and
generalizing it for other platforms too:
Once that's in, building a cross-compiled stdlib for several
platforms should be as simple as setting some flags with the
location of a C cross-compiler and any C/linker flags you need,
then running the same cmake/make combo that you use to build a
native stdlib today.
No modifications are needed to ldc itself for well-supported
platforms, as ldc is always a cross-compiler by default. For
example, kinke used the new llvm linker, lld, to cross-compile
Windows/x64 binaries from linux/x64 by using the stock ldc
compiler. The instructions for how he did it are linked from the
changelog for the latest ldc 1.3 beta2:
Finally, the latest ldc 1.3 betas for the first time include the
llvm code-generation target backends for various other CPUs, like
ARM or PowerPC, whereas before ldc only bothered to compile in
the x86/x64 backends, as those were the only stdlibs it
[joakim at localhost ~]$ ./ldc2-1.3.0-beta2-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc2
LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.3.0-beta2):
based on DMD v2.073.2 and LLVM 4.0.0
built with LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.3.0-beta2)
Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Host CPU: broadwell -
Registered Targets:
aarch64 - AArch64 (little endian)
aarch64_be - AArch64 (big endian)
arm - ARM
arm64 - ARM64 (little endian)
armeb - ARM (big endian)
ppc32 - PowerPC 32
ppc64 - PowerPC 64
ppc64le - PowerPC 64 LE
thumb - Thumb
thumbeb - Thumb (big endian)
x86 - 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above
x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64
Not very useful right now unless you're doing bare-metal
programming on those newly added architectures, because the
cross-compiled stdlibs are not included and there's no easy way
to generate them, but we could also put out separate tarfiles
with the cross-compiled stdlibs (separated only to save space in
the compiler download for those who don't want them), just as
kinke used the ldc stdlib compiled for Windows/x64 on linux/x64
when cross-compiling.
Just last night, I was thinking about some easy way to let ldc
users cross-compile the stdlib themselves from the regular ldc
download, and I thought of doing it with dub, the D package
manager, since we now distribute dub alongside ldc. However, I
don't know how feasible this is with dub, needs to be looked into.
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