Go 1.9

Araq via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Jun 23 14:31:00 PDT 2017

On Friday, 23 June 2017 at 20:13:15 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
> ExcelsiorJET is quite easy to figure out, you can download 
> their open source version.

So in other words, you do not have used these products and only 
read their websites, got it.

> Some products go the static linking way, others map .jars into 
> shared libraries.

And how does the tool know which .jars to compile to shared 
libraries without running the code first? It can't. Which is why 
Excelsior ships with a JIT:

 From https://www.excelsiorjet.com/

"First, the AOT compiler turns your jar and class files into a 
conventional binary executable. That executable is fully 
interoperable with our JVM, which includes a JIT compiler to 
handle any classes that were not precompiled."

> Nice how you overlook the fact that .NET Native requires static 
> linking, hence why there are such issues.
> AOT compiling to native code with either NGEN or Windows 8 MDIL 
> compiler doesn't have such issues, because dynamic linking is 
> used instead.

Again, how can you compile ahead-of-time when you don't know the 
dependencies before running the program? You can't which is why 
every such tool is at a fight with how these languages work.

> In any case, even if native compilation toolchains for Java and 
> C# aren't perfect, they make it less appealing to try out D if 
> you don't come up with a solid history to go against them, that 
> make people actually curious to try out D.

That's just "I looked at the websites, never used these tools in 
practice but found them convincing" phrased differently to 
pretend you have an argument.

The success of Go strongly indicates people generally don't 
connect Java/C# to "native code" or "slim binaries without 
dependencies", whom are you kidding here.

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