dlang website design
Ecstatic Coder via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Jun 24 23:58:34 PDT 2017
Reading all the above posts on how to use vibe.d for a two line
web server was very interesting.
I still think that it's more simple to do it with Go and with D,
but I may be wrong, as I'm currently using Go for web
development, and not D, for the reasons above.
And I see that not many people on this forum don't think that D
could improve its popularity if :
1/ it was promoted as :
a/ a great scripting language for scripters and learners
looking for an easy to learn and to use typescript-like scripting
language (which it is)
b/ a solid general purpose programming language for the
software industry, already equipped for web and desktop
application development.
2/ existing web-related D code was refactored to provide the few
Go-like functions just enough to serve static files, process an
URL and send back pages/data to the browser, so we can "natively"
use D for web application development.
3/ any existing GUI library was pre-installed (i.e. imports
renamed to "std.*") so that we can also "natively" use D for
desktop application development.
I may be wrong, but I think that refactoring an existing web
library, renaming the imports of an existing GUI library, and
making a few "marketing" changes to the D web site to make it
more beginner-friendly would not require much man-power, while
this may have the potential to make a HUGE impact on how D is
actually PERCEIVED.
And I clearly see that many software development experts on this
forum don't see any interest in those suggestions, which I
perfectly understand, as we can get the job done with dub, and
all the required information can be found on the existing website
But for less-skilled developers and scripters who didn't
graduated from the University (like me), these tiny and seemingly
insignificant details are often those which will actually make
the difference between something they will use, because it seems
really easy to learn and use, and something which doesn't seem
good for them, because it looks a bit too complicated to learn or
For instance, in my case, I must say that I actually wasn't
convinced at all by the current website, which is why I have
tried several other general purpose scripting/programming
languages (Python, Ruby, Node.js, Nim, etc) before finally trying
D, when I was actually lacking other options.
Now I'm happy to have made that last effort, as D has now become
my favorite programming language, but maybe other people have had
the same experience as me, and didn't try it at all eventually...
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