Clarification on D.

Guillaume Piolat via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Mar 9 04:27:30 PST 2017

On Wednesday, 8 March 2017 at 20:00:54 UTC, aberba wrote:
>  (To make my problem clear, how is D's current state not going 
> to allow / make it so difficult for developers (who know what 
> they are doing) to write say Photoshop-scale software: 
> excluding those *so* realtime use cases?)

Well, I don't think there is such problem. I make medium-size 
real-time programs in D (example: and they 
don't require much more attention to detail than similar programs 
in C++. They require understanding though.

The real problem is perception. Our competition uses persuasion 
techniques like moral high-ground, word-thinking and plain 
marketing. While the D community tries to address technical 

For example in D target market, the word "GC" is associated with 
a bad "weight" (and I tried to change perception with articles 
but it doesn't change anything) so _by association_ D inherits 
this bad weight, whatever the rational response could be.

The other thing you'll hear about when you are doing D is that D 
is not *new* enough, so it couldn't be any good. Else swathes of 
people would have adopted it, right?

Marketing works this way because we tend to rate each concept 
positively or negatively, and our intuitive brain is really good 
with effortless weighted sums.

is-good("D") = Weight0 * is-good("GC") + Weight1 * 
is-good(watever-it-makes-me-think-of) + ...

The competition is clever enough to emphasize that D is 14 years 
old and has a GC, so they don't even try it.

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