[OT] Algorithm question
MysticZach via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon May 1 09:56:58 PDT 2017
On Monday, 1 May 2017 at 04:15:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Given a set A of n elements (let's say it's a random-access
> range of
> size n, where n is relatively large), and a predicate P(x) that
> specifies some subset of A of elements that we're interested
> in, what's
> the best algorithm (in terms of big-O time complexity) for
> selecting a
> random element x satisfying P(x), such that elements that
> satisfy P(x)
> have equal probability of being chosen? (Elements that do not
> satisfy
> P(x) are disregarded.)
Here's how I would do it:
// returns a random index of array satisfying P(x), -1 if not
int randomlySatisfy(A[] array) {
if (array.length == 0)
return -1;
int i = uniform(0, array.length);
return randomlySatisfyImpl(array, i);
// recursive function
private int randomlySatisfyImpl(A[] da, int i) {
if (P(da[i]))
return i;
if (da.length == 1)
return -1;
// choose a random partition proportionally
auto j = uniform(da.length - 1);
if (j < i) {
// the lower partition
int a = randomlySatisfyImpl(da[0..i], j);
if (a != -1) return a;
else return randomlySatisfyImpl(da[i+1 .. da.length], j -
(i + 1));
else {
// higher partition, investigate in reverse order
int a = randomlySatisfyImpl(da[i+1 .. da.length], j - (i +
if (a != -1) return i +1 + a;
else return i + 1 + randomlySatisfyImpl(da[0..i], j);
The goal is to have the first hit be the one you return. The
method: if a random pick doesn't satisfy, randomly choose the
partition greater than or less than based on
uniform(0..array.length-1), and do the same procedure on that
partition, reusing the random index to avoid having to call
uniform twice on each recursion (one to choose a partition and
one to choose an index within that partition). If the probability
of choosing a partition is precisely proportional to the number
of elements in that partition, it seems to me that the result
will be truly random, but I'm not sure.
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