dubs: Getting into the Node scripts market
rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed May 3 05:16:30 PDT 2017
On 03/05/2017 1:13 PM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
> Am 03.05.2017 um 12:54 schrieb Andre Pany:
>> Hi,
>> it would be great if we can position D as replacement of Node scripts.
>> With the --single argument of Dub we have almost everything we need in
>> this scenario.
>> But one thing is very odd. If you want to execute the app.d source file
>> with dub you have to write: dub --single app.d
>> - You have to remember the argument --single
>> - You have to add the .d extension
>> - You do not like to have the binary created, therefore you have to add
>> --temp-build
>> - You do not like to have too much output, therefore you have to add
>> --quiet
>> - If you have application arguments you have to know to add -- at the
>> end followed by the application arguments.
>> With these limitations I cannot convince a Node developer to switch to D.
>> I created a very small batch file dubs.bat which would have a huge
>> impact in this scenario.
>> You can execute the D source file with: dubs app
>> Application arguments are just appended: dubs app --PORT 8080
>> -- dubs.bat
>> @echo off
>> set _filename=%~n1
>> set _extension=%~x1
>> for /f "tokens=1,* delims= " %%a in ("%*") do set
>> _args_without_filename=%%b
>> IF "% _extension%" == ".d" (
>> set _sourceFile=%_filename%
>> ) else (
>> set _sourceFile=%_filename%.d
>> )
>> dub run --temp-build --quiet --single %_sourceFile% --
>> %_args_without_filename%
>> -- dubs.bat
>> Do you think it makes sense to add this batch file and a linux
>> equivalent shell script to the D compilers?
>> Kind regards
>> André Pany
> Actually there is a special syntax that is also used for shebang style
> scripts: `dub app.d arg1 arg2` is equivalent to `dub --quiet
> --temp-build --single app.d -- arg1 arg2`. It seems like the command
> line help wasn't really updated to reflect that, though.
> The only catch is that the .d extension is still required to make it
> possible to tell a script file name apart from a regular command.
Well you could look for the normal command, if not found, try isFile
with the extension if needed.
Just a thought.
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