D is really cool
Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d
digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat May 13 04:47:44 PDT 2017
On Sat, 2017-05-13 at 12:20 +0100, rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d
> On 13/05/2017 12:05 PM, bachmeier wrote:
> > On Saturday, 13 May 2017 at 06:47:54 UTC, nkm1 wrote:
> >
> > > Atilla's library... but, as someone on Reddit said, at the moment
> > > that
> > > is rather "unergonomic".
> > > I'm sure that will get better over time, though. At least I don't
> > > see
> > > why not. Most of what is needed is already there.
How many people on Reddit are actual users of D. How many users on
Reddit are actually programmers rather than trolls?
> > The problem with trying to satisfy Reddit is that they want the GC
> > removed from the language. They want it off by default, they want
> > all
> > language features to work without the GC, they want all of Phobos
> > to be
> > free of the GC, and they want all code anyone else writes in D to
> > be
> > written without the GC in case they want to call that code.
> >
> > I'm all for adding additional features to the language for those
> > that
> > prefer to avoid the GC. But that's not what the anti-GC coalition
> > is
> > asking for.
Reddit users seem to fancy themselves as powerful when most of the time
they are j@@@@ getting off on their own supposed self importance. An
excellent reasons to ignore them. Most of the programming world does,
from what I can see. Certainly none of the people I have contact with
in programming places who make the decisions as to which programming
language to use for a projects care what happens on Reddit or what
Reddit users think.
The only people who matter in terms of the language D are the people on
the D mailing lists and meetings
> Quite frankly if the GC was removed from D, you won't be seeing me
> around here anymore.
> I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't alone in this case. Good chance
> there would be enough of us to realistically start our own language.
Currently Ds only selling point against C++, Go, and Rust is that it
has GC, and Go has far more traction that D. Oh and maybe channel
communication between processes (albeit heavyweight, and Rust has
something similar).
All in all ignore Reddit and get on with satisfying current users and
getting traction is the real world.
Dr Russel Winder t: +44 20 7585 2200 voip: sip:russel.winder at ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Road m: +44 7770 465 077 xmpp: russel at winder.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK w: www.russel.org.uk skype: russel_winder
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